As of Saturday April 17, 2021 we will remain open as an essential service, and strengthen our pre-established health protocols.
Please follow this link to complete our screening questionnaire.

The following checklist are symptoms of covid-19. It is patient protocol to review the list, and notify us before your appointment to confirm your health status. This checklist is an important part of appointment measures we are implementing during this unprecedented time.
1. Fever
2. New onset of cough
3. Worsening chronic cough
4. Difficulty breathing
5. Shortness of breath
6. Sore throat
7. Runny nose/Nasal congestion without other known cause
8. Sneezing
9. Difficulty swallowing
10. Hoarseness of Voice
11. Decrease or loss of taste/smell
12. Headaches
13. Chills
14. Unexplained Fatigue /Malaise/ muscle aches (myalgias)
15. Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
16. Pink Eye (conjunctivitis)
Again, patient protocol requires that you don’t have any of the above-mentioned symptoms based on your best knowledge. Please contact us to confirm your health status before your scheduled visit. Therefore, these appointment measures are important in ensuring patient and practitioner health and safety.
In addition, it is patient protocol that bring your own mask and wear it for the duration of your entire treatment. We also ask that you come alone unless you require aid, and please don’t arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment. We will also call you 5 minutes before your appointment so that you may socially distance in your car or outside the building. This appointment measure is meant to protect yourself and others from possible contamination.
In the event that you currently present with any of the above mentioned symptoms, please let us know and we will reschedule you. This important appointment measure is to prevent any illness within the clinic. In addition, the patient protocol is in place to protect our patients and practitioners. In the event that you will develop any symptoms mentioned above after your visit, or if you test positive for COVID-19 please let us know immediately.
We sincerely thank you for your cooperation during this time. We look forward to seeing you.

What We Are Doing
- Accepting only scheduled appointments.
- We are limiting the amount of patients in at any time to prevent crowds and to have a chance to disinfect all surfaces.
- Increasing how often the common areas are cleaned. This includes wiping down surfaces, door handles, etc with a hospital-grade disinfectant.
- Ensuring that all equipment is disinfected after every use.
- Notifying the patients before their appointment to inform us of their health status.
- We are asking patients that have travelled outside of Ontario in the last 14 days or have come into contact with anyone that has travelled outside of Ontario to cancel all appointments for the next 2 weeks.
- Asking patients that are experiencing any symptoms or have come in contact with anyone that is showing symptoms to stay home.
- Temperature checks will be conducted at the front desk before your treatment.
- Hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizer available throughout the clinic
- PPE to be worn by all
What You Can Do
- Wear a mask for your appointment.
- Call us before your appointment to confirm your health status.
- If you are feeling at all unwell, please stay home.
- Consider speaking to your doctor should you experience symptoms such as sore throat, fever, cough, headache, and/or shortness of breath.
- If you have travelled outside of Ontario, please avoid visiting our clinic for 14 days upon your return to home.
- Thoroughly wash your hands (for at least 20 seconds. Humming Happy Birthday helps).
- Upon arrival, immediately use the hand sanitizer at the front desk
- As much as possible, avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes. If you find yourself sneezing or coughing, please do it into a tissue or your elbow.
- Most importantly, take good care of yourself and stay well-rested, prioritizing sleep.