Physiotherapy and ankle sprains
Whether you are a couch potato or a highly active individual, chances are you have sprained your ankle at some point in your life. In all cases people fully recover and their ankle is back to normal right? Well…not so fast. In this blog post I will expand on ankle sprains, and explain how physiotherapy can help you recover an ankle sprain faster thereby reducing the likelihood of recurrence.
What are ankle sprains?
There are three types of ankle sprains. Firstly is an inversion ankle sprain, this is most common, where your ankle rolls outward and your feet turns inward. As a result, this damages the ligaments on the outside of ankle. Ligaments attach bones together and help provide stability to your joint. Secondly, the eversion sprain, and it occurs when your ankle rolls inward and your feet turns outward. As a result, this damages the ligaments on the inside of your ankle. The third type of ankle sprains is known as a high ankle sprain, and occurs when there is an excessive twisting force to your foot while it’s planted the ground. With this type of ankle sprain, the ligaments located just above your ankle joint are typically involved. Recovery from a high ankle sprain may take significantly longer when compared to an inversion or eversion ankle sprain.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of an ankle sprain?
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Pain
- Difficulty walking
- Stiffness
- Unable to put weight on affected ankle
What is the prognosis of an ankle sprain?
The recovery from an ankle sprain will vary between individuals and will depend on the type of ankle sprain and the severity of it. Generally speaking, it may take a few weeks for someone to fully recover from a minor sprain or it can take up to a few months to recover from a more severe sprain. Your physiotherapist will be able to answer this question more accurately. The good news is that most people achieve fully recovery with conservative treatment.
How can a physiotherapist help me?
Physiotherapist are experts in the assessment and treatment of various injuries and conditions that impair movement. Your physiotherapist will work together with you to come up with an effective treatment plan to accelerate your recovery and to prevent recurrence of injury. Physiotherapists utilize various hands on techniques and modalities to help you recover. Your treatment plan may include:
- Acupuncture to reduce pain
- Cupping therapy to your calves to release tension and tightness
- Therapeutic ultrasound to reduce inflammation and stimulate healing
- Home exercise program to regain your mobility, strength, and balance
- Patient education to prevent further injury
- Various soft tissue release techniques to get rid of trigger points and reduce muscle tension
- Joint mobilization techniques to help you regain back your mobility
Thank you for taking time to read this blog post. If you recently experienced an ankle sprain or any other injury, please call Fairview Physiotherapy and Rehab centre today to schedule your appointment with one of our physiotherapists.